Why does hector quadrotor drift in Gazebo?
If I launch a plain quadrotor in an empty world in Gazebo, the quad stays relatively still. However, if I try launching any other file such as spawnquadrotorwith_laser, the quad spawns and then drifts randomly. It rotates and changes its orientation by itself and moves in whatever direction it feels like as though a wind is blowing. Any other object like a wall which is spawned in the same environment after that also starts drifting.
I have checked that there is no node publishing messages to the /cmdvel topic and there is indeed no message coming through while checking on echo as well. Why would the quadrotor behave like this then? If there is no message on /cmdvel shouldn't the quad be stationary?
Note: Even if I publish messages to /cmd_vel stating the velocity to be 0, the quad still drifts!
Asked by srirajgs on 2013-01-08 16:47:17 UTC
As announced by the develpers in Sep 2012, all gazebo
related questions should be asked on new gazebo
specific QA community. Thank you for your cooperation!
See also this thread.
Apologies that I close as "off-topic" although it's actually very related - there isn't more suitable label.
Asked by 130s on 2013-01-15 11:53:16 UTC