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Laser scan matcher causes Laser Scan errrors (SLAM)

I am currently trying out different SLAM methods with a single Hokuyo UTM30-LX laser scanner. I got hectorslam to work pretty smoothly, but I am having problems with the laserscan_matcher + gmapping method.

The laserscanmatcher seems to cause the Laser Scan display in Rviz to show the status as "Error" every few seconds. It seems to be able to come up with a pose okay, but when I hook it up to gmapping (map > odom > base_link > laser), the map comes out weird. Things seem to be shifted.

*I would post pictures of the maps but my Karma is too low.

laserscanmatcher + gmapping sorta work well in a small room, but maybe the long hallways are confusing it (maybe the far wall is out of range of the sensor)

Does anyone else have this problem? Are there limitations of laserscanmatcher + gmapping that I'm not aware of? Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you, Jonathan K.

Asked by Jonathan Kobayashi on 2012-12-15 09:09:57 UTC


is your odometry data correct ?

Asked by cagatay on 2012-12-15 09:11:13 UTC

are you working on a real robot or simulation?

Asked by georgebrindeiro on 2012-12-15 09:52:29 UTC

What is your tf tree? What provides which transform?

Asked by dornhege on 2012-12-16 22:29:19 UTC

Seems like the GMAPPING has its own localization method . I think the problem is come from the odom . It might has been published by 2 modules(Gmapping + Laser Scan Matcher)

Asked by C3MX on 2016-01-28 12:07:11 UTC
