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initialize but topics are empty

I am using fuerte in ubuntu 12.04.

Whether I use roslaunch opennilaunch openni.launch or rosrun opennicamera openni_node I get the following output:

[ INFO] [1349109695.908019815]: Number devices connected: 1
[ INFO] [1349109695.908117225]: 1. device on bus 003:26 is a Xbox NUI Camera (2ae) from Microsoft (45e) with serial id 'A00364903898050A'
[ INFO] [1349109695.909604011]: Searching for device with index = 1
[ INFO] [1349109695.951698285]: Opened 'Xbox NUI Camera' on bus 3:26 with serial number 'A00364903898050A'
[ INFO] [1349109695.983343985]: rgb_frame_id = '/camera_rgb_optical_frame' 
[ INFO] [1349109695.983442622]: depth_frame_id = '/camera_depth_optical_frame' 

When I use rostopic list I can see all the topics:




But all the topics are empty, there is no information being published

Can someone please help me?

Asked by EduardoB on 2012-10-01 06:50:48 UTC


Did you try rostopic info and rostopic echo to find out if there are any nodes publishing on that topic and what is being published?

Asked by harsha on 2012-10-02 19:12:01 UTC

For, rostopic info /camera/rgb/image_raw, /camera_nodelet_manager, is the publisher with no subscriber, but when I use rostopic echo, there are no messages being published.

Asked by EduardoB on 2012-10-04 08:28:48 UTC

Was the kinect connected to a USB 3.0?

Asked by harsha on 2012-11-21 05:57:16 UTC
