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USB3 Allied Vision Camera

I ran into an issue while executing synchronous grab Cpp code in example section provided by Vimba SDK. Issue

/home/72311/Documents/catkin_ws_av/devel/lib/abc_qa/abc_qa_node: symbol lookup error: /home/z0172311/Documents/catkin_ws_av/devel/lib/abc_qa/abc_qa_node: undefined symbol: _ZN3AVT6VmbAPI6Camera18AcquireSingleImageERNS0_10shared_ptrINS0_5FrameEEEjNS0_19FrameAllocationModeE

Asked by garry on 2022-10-03 07:15:59 UTC


Can you please edit your question to include the followings:

  1. Link to the GitHub or documentation page you followed?
  2. What are the commands you executed?
  3. What are the output of those commands?
  4. Your local changes, if any?

Asked by ravijoshi on 2022-10-04 05:17:59 UTC
