USB3 Allied Vision Camera
I ran into an issue while executing synchronous grab Cpp code in example section provided by Vimba SDK. Issue
/home/72311/Documents/catkin_ws_av/devel/lib/abc_qa/abc_qa_node: symbol lookup error: /home/z0172311/Documents/catkin_ws_av/devel/lib/abc_qa/abc_qa_node: undefined symbol: _ZN3AVT6VmbAPI6Camera18AcquireSingleImageERNS0_10shared_ptrINS0_5FrameEEEjNS0_19FrameAllocationModeE
Asked by garry on 2022-10-03 07:15:59 UTC
Can you please edit your question to include the followings:
Asked by ravijoshi on 2022-10-04 05:17:59 UTC