how to use multi-threads (user-input, subscriber and srv-client)?
Hi, I am using ROS2 foxy and I am struggling with simultanious execution of some code (that is somehow dependend on each other).
I want a node, that simultaniously runs a loop with user Input/Output, acts as a client for a service (takes a few seconds) and is also able to recieve messages over a topic.
more detailed:
I want to make a "task-control-unit" which is a class named CTaskControl inheriting from rclcpp::node. It has a method mUserInterface which accepts user-inputs to start some other Methods (if the user want to start them). It should also subscribe to a topic to recieve some data. And it should also, once in a while start a service and wait for the response.
I am trying to start a thread in the constructor of CTaskControl with pthread_create(&mUiThreadId, NULL, &mUserInterface, NULL);
but then I need to make the method static, which then don't allow to call methods with this->
I am not sure if I miss something or if there is a completely other solution which makes everything easier.. I also thought about adding several nodes to an executor and spin them, but then I have a problem with the communication between the threads because how do I start a method from another class then?
In the foxy tutorials there are always examples for only one subscriber, client, etc. but I didn't find an example how to combine them. I would appreciate any hints :)
Asked by jorosuser on 2022-01-03 12:25:48 UTC
Okay, I found a solution to start a class method in a seperate thread. I did not use pthread_create, but instead std::thread.
the class is called CTaskControl
and the Method is called mUserInterface
Inside the constructor of the class, I started the Method (which containes a while-loop) like this:
std::thread{std::bind(&CTaskControl::mUserInterface, this)}.detach();
Now the node can receive messages and execute a while-loop at the same time.
Asked by jorosuser on 2022-01-03 14:41:46 UTC
Thank you for taking to document your answer
Asked by osilva on 2022-01-03 18:44:09 UTC