[ROS2 Foxy] Implement FastRTPS discovery server. Don't found topic avaliable

asked 2021-01-05 02:58:35 -0500

Seviner gravatar image

I implement FastRTPS Discovery for foxy ros2 on ubuntu20

Follow instruction : link text

I choose way to config discovery server by xml file I created setup follow instruction : link text

My Server Profile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<profiles xmlns="http://www.eprosima.com/XMLSchemas/fastRTPS_Profiles">

  <participant profile_name="participant_profile_ros2" is_default_profile="true">


          <!-- <discoveryProtocol>CLIENT</discoveryProtocol> -->
          <!-- <discoveryProtocol>BACKUP</discoveryProtocol> -->



  <publisher profile_name="ros2_publisher_profile" is_default_profile="true">

  <subscriber profile_name="ros2_subscription_profile" is_default_profile="true">


My Client Profile

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>                                                                                                                                                                    
<profiles xmlns="http://www.eprosima.com/XMLSchemas/fastRTPS_Profiles">

  <participant profile_name="participant_profile_ros2" is_default_profile="true">



          <RemoteServer prefix="4D.">


  <publisher profile_name="ros2_publisher_profile" is_default_profile="true">

  <subscriber profile_name="ros2_subscription_profile" is_default_profile="true">


I have 2 computers connected by VPN.

First computer have ip-address run server xml profild

Second computer have ip-address run clinet by use node demo_node_cpp listen and talker

listen and talker can communication together but I can't see topic by

ROS2 command

ros2 topic list
ros2 topic echo /chatter
ros2 bag record -a

ROS2 code

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
node = Node("topic_list")

Main my problems are can't see topic available and can't use ros2 bag record -a.

How can i solve problem on it by constrain I want to use discovery server because it can use by set only server ip-address.

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I followed the following tutorial: https://index.ros.org/doc/ros2/Tutori... and I'm seeing the same problem...

Mbuijs gravatar image Mbuijs  ( 2021-01-07 14:16:56 -0500 )edit

I ever try that tutorial too. That tutorial tell rqt_graph can verify node and structure but I can't use them to verify. I see some node not all structure...

Seviner gravatar image Seviner  ( 2021-01-07 22:11:53 -0500 )edit

I have reported this as an issue on the rmw_fastrtps github project: https://github.com/ros2/rmw_fastrtps/....

Mbuijs gravatar image Mbuijs  ( 2021-01-08 05:36:43 -0500 )edit