cturtle installation failed
Hi all! I'm trying to download the demos for Kinect on Ubuntu 10.04 and i've got a problem with the installation. First of all I succesfully installed cturtle with this guide
and next when I've try to install the demos (http://www.ros.org/wiki/mit-ros-pkg/KinectDemos/cturtle) I've got stuck on the 5 step when i'm trying to install, it stays freezed with this last output:
[mit-ros-pkg] Installing https://svn.csail.mit.edu/mit-ros-pkg/tags/cturtle (None) to /home/joan/kinect_demos/mit-ros-pkg
Can't anybody point me to the right direction?
Thank you in advance.
Asked by Joan06 on 2012-06-07 01:32:58 UTC
Out of curiosity, why are you using CTurtle? That's three letters out of date.
Asked by Mac on 2012-06-13 07:58:46 UTC