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Package for lidar obstacle detection

I'm currently looking for a ROS package that can be used to detect the position of obstacles based on data produced by a 2D lidar on the /scan topic. I'm aware that there are a number of solutions available that use lidar data to perform navigation, but the problem I'm having (stopping for obstacles) only requires detection.

Are there existing packages available that allow for this? Or what would be the best strategy to achieve this if there aren't any? I've looked into several packages but none of them seems to achieve the required result. TIA.

Asked by JasonMc on 2019-12-17 07:27:54 UTC


When reading the ranges of the scan topic you are basically reading the distance of an obstacle from the lidar, so it is obstacle detection for me. Can you add more detail about what you want to achieve please ?

Asked by Delb on 2019-12-17 08:00:46 UTC
