conver a python script in to a python class and make the callback function a class member
Hi all,
I'd love to use my callback function to process some data and then deliver some result that will be used by other functions in the same python script. And I learned that one common way to do this is to use define a class and make the callback function a class. I am going to show you both of the original script and the one I tried to rewrite in class form. Can you please tell me what i did wrong in my class? I know it is a big favor. Hope you can help. My class throws errors like
ted@vra1:~/dual_ws$ rosrun robotiq_s_model_control _topic:=/left_hand/command
File "/home/ted/dual_ws/src/robotiq/robotiq_s_model_control/nodes/", line 81
def genCommand(char, self.command):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
My original script which has no errors in shown below:
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('robotiq_s_model_control')
import rospy
from robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs.msg import SModelRobotOutput
from time import sleep
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
def callback(data):
print("Message received")
def genCommand(char, command):
"""Update the command according to the character entered by the user."""
if char == 'a':
command = SModelRobotOutput()
command.rACT = 1
command.rGTO = 1
command.rSPA = 255
command.rFRA = 150
if char == 'r':
command = SModelRobotOutput()
command.rACT = 0
if char == 'c':
command.rPRA = 255
if char == 'o':
command.rPRA = 0
if char == 'b':
command.rMOD = 0
if char == 'p':
command.rMOD = 1
if char == 'w':
command.rMOD = 2
if char == 's':
command.rMOD = 3
#If the command entered is a int, assign this value to rPRA
command.rPRA = int(char)
if command.rPRA > 255:
command.rPRA = 255
if command.rPRA < 0:
command.rPRA = 0
except ValueError:
if char == 'f':
command.rSPA += 25
if command.rSPA > 255:
command.rSPA = 255
if char == 'l':
command.rSPA -= 25
if command.rSPA < 0:
command.rSPA = 0
if char == 'i':
command.rFRA += 25
if command.rFRA > 255:
command.rFRA = 255
if char == 'd':
command.rFRA -= 25
if command.rFRA < 0:
command.rFRA = 0
return command
def askForCommand(command):
"""Ask the user for a command to send to the gripper."""
currentCommand = 'Simple S-Model Controller\n-----\nCurrent command:'
currentCommand += ' rACT = ' + str(command.rACT)
currentCommand += ', rMOD = ' + str(command.rMOD)
currentCommand += ', rGTO = ' + str(command.rGTO)
currentCommand += ', rATR = ' + str(command.rATR)
currentCommand += ', rGLV = ' + str(command.rGLV)
currentCommand += ', rICF = ' + str(command.rICF)
currentCommand += ', rICS = ' + str(command.rICS)
currentCommand += ', rPRA = ' + str(command.rPRA)
currentCommand += ', rSPA = ' + str(command.rSPA)
currentCommand += ', rFRA = ' + str(command.rFRA)
#We only show the simple control mode
currentCommand += ', rPRB = ' + str(command.rPRB)
currentCommand += ', rSPB = ' + str(command.rSPB)
currentCommand += ', rFRB = ' + str(command.rFRB)
currentCommand += ', rPRC = ' + str(command.rPRC)
currentCommand += ', rSPC = ' + str(command.rSPC)
currentCommand += ', rFRC = ' + str(command.rFRC)
currentCommand += ', rPRS = ' + str(command.rPRS)
currentCommand += ', rSPS = ' + str(command.rSPS)
currentCommand += ', rFRS = ' + str(command.rFRS)
print currentCommand
strAskForCommand = '-----\nAvailable commands\n\n'
strAskForCommand += 'r: Reset\n'
strAskForCommand += 'a: Activate\n'
strAskForCommand += 'c: Close\n'
strAskForCommand += 'o: Open\n'
strAskForCommand += 'b: Basic mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 'p: Pinch mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 'w: Wide mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 's: Scissor mode\n'
strAskForCommand += '(0-255): Go to that position\n'
strAskForCommand += 'f: Faster\n'
strAskForCommand += 'l: Slower\n'
strAskForCommand += 'i: Increase force\n'
strAskForCommand += 'd: Decrease force\n'
strAskForCommand += '-->'
return raw_input(strAskForCommand)
def publisher():
topic_name = rospy.get_param('~topic', 'SModelRobotOutput')
pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_name, SModelRobotOutput)
sub = rospy.Subscriber('unitygrabinput', Twist, callback)
command = SModelRobotOutput()
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
command = genCommand(askForCommand(command), command)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And the class form python script is shown below:
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('robotiq_s_model_control')
import rospy
from robotiq_s_model_articulated_msgs.msg import SModelRobotOutput
from time import sleep
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
class UnityGrabInput(object):
def __init__(self):
# Params
self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('unitygrabinput', Twist, callback)
self.topic_name = rospy.get_param('~topic', 'SModelRobotOutput') = rospy.Publisher(self.topic_name, SModelRobotOutput)
self.command = SModelRobotOutput()
def callback(data):
print("Message received")
def genCommand(char, self.command):
if char == 'a':
self.command = SModelRobotOutput()
self.command.rACT = 1
self.command.rGTO = 1
self.command.rSPA = 255
self.command.rFRA = 150
if char == 'r':
self.command = SModelRobotOutput()
self.command.rACT = 0
if char == 'c':
self.command.rPRA = 255
if char == 'o':
self.command.rPRA = 0
if char == 'b':
self.command.rMOD = 0
if char == 'p':
self.command.rMOD = 1
if char == 'w':
self.command.rMOD = 2
if char == 's':
self.command.rMOD = 3
#If the command entered is a int, assign this value to rPRA
self.command.rPRA = int(char)
if self.command.rPRA > 255:
self.command.rPRA = 255
if self.command.rPRA < 0:
self.command.rPRA = 0
except ValueError:
if char == 'f':
self.command.rSPA += 25
if self.command.rSPA > 255:
self.command.rSPA = 255
if char == 'l':
self.command.rSPA -= 25
if self.command.rSPA < 0:
self.command.rSPA = 0
if char == 'i':
self.command.rFRA += 25
if self.command.rFRA > 255:
self.command.rFRA = 255
if char == 'd':
self.command.rFRA -= 25
if self.command.rFRA < 0:
self.command.rFRA = 0
return self.command
def askForCommand(self.command):
currentCommand = 'Simple S-Model Controller\n-----\nCurrent command:'
currentCommand += ' rACT = ' + str(self.command.rACT)
currentCommand += ', rMOD = ' + str(self.command.rMOD)
currentCommand += ', rGTO = ' + str(self.command.rGTO)
currentCommand += ', rATR = ' + str(self.command.rATR)
currentCommand += ', rGLV = ' + str(self.command.rGLV)
currentCommand += ', rICF = ' + str(self.command.rICF)
currentCommand += ', rICS = ' + str(self.command.rICS)
currentCommand += ', rPRA = ' + str(self.command.rPRA)
currentCommand += ', rSPA = ' + str(self.command.rSPA)
currentCommand += ', rFRA = ' + str(self.command.rFRA)
#We only show the simple control mode
currentCommand += ', rPRB = ' + str(self.command.rPRB)
currentCommand += ', rSPB = ' + str(self.command.rSPB)
currentCommand += ', rFRB = ' + str(self.command.rFRB)
currentCommand += ', rPRC = ' + str(self.command.rPRC)
currentCommand += ', rSPC = ' + str(self.command.rSPC)
currentCommand += ', rFRC = ' + str(self.command.rFRC)
currentCommand += ', rPRS = ' + str(self.command.rPRS)
currentCommand += ', rSPS = ' + str(self.command.rSPS)
currentCommand += ', rFRS = ' + str(self.command.rFRS)
print currentCommand
strAskForCommand = '-----\nAvailable commands\n\n'
strAskForCommand += 'r: Reset\n'
strAskForCommand += 'a: Activate\n'
strAskForCommand += 'c: Close\n'
strAskForCommand += 'o: Open\n'
strAskForCommand += 'b: Basic mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 'p: Pinch mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 'w: Wide mode\n'
strAskForCommand += 's: Scissor mode\n'
strAskForCommand += '(0-255): Go to that position\n'
strAskForCommand += 'f: Faster\n'
strAskForCommand += 'l: Slower\n'
strAskForCommand += 'i: Increase force\n'
strAskForCommand += 'd: Decrease force\n'
strAskForCommand += '-->'
return raw_input(strAskForCommand)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unity_grab_input_object = UnityGrabInput()
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
self.command = genCommand(askForCommand(self.command), self.command)
Asked by stevensu1838 on 2019-12-17 04:59:42 UTC
In the end, this is not a ROS but a python question.
You cannot have self.command
as a parameter to a function.
You might want to read a bit up on what self
means in python, there are a lot of pages out there about this. This seems to be the main reason for your issues...
some more hints:
- it might make sense to have
as the first parameter of your class methods (i.e.def fct(self, var1, var2)
) self.command
below in the main doesn't make sense. You are not "inside" the class...
Asked by mgruhler on 2019-12-17 09:52:21 UTC