jumpy wheels when using urdf and joint_state_publisher [video]
I made an urdf for my robot by looking at turtlebot3description. By publishing wheel positions to the jointstate_publisher, I also made the wheels turn, as the robot moves.
However although the wheels turn and move, they are wobbly and jumpy. Here is a video of the behavior:
and here is my urdf:
As seen on the video, the wheels are little jumpy, almost looks like there is a problem with position. Although the wheels are jumpy, the base_link (the body of the model) is not. So I think that if there was a problem with the odometry data, it would also make the robot body be jumpy.
Any ideas/recommendations greatly appreciated.
Best Regards, -C.A.
Asked by wintermute on 2019-12-14 16:44:44 UTC
Try and see whether increasing the publication frequency of
helps.It's likely this is a TF (visualisation) artefact.
Edit: and as the video can be made really short and still show what you want us to see: try to convert it to
. That way you can upload it here directly and we don't depend on vimeo's retention policy.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-12-15 08:53:35 UTC
@gvdhoorn yes I have experimented with publication frequency of both robot_state_publisher and joint_state_publisher and it did not lead anywhere.
Asked by wintermute on 2019-12-15 11:26:53 UTC