In robot_localization,What it according to calculate controlAcceleration_?
In ekf.cpp/predict function,why this way to calculate controlAcceleration_ , and what it according to?
And about x =f(x,u) ,in your project is x += u ,then do x = transferFunction_ * x,
if it mean that x = transferFunction*(x + u) ---> x = transferFunctionx + transferFunction_u?
So you just predict the u as the same as x? Thanks ahead!
Asked by nlwmode on 2019-12-11 08:39:52 UTC
The EKF doesn't use the control term in the way that you might find in the literature. We instead model the control as an acceleration term, and feed it to the filter as an acceleration measurement. The transfer function only operates on the current state.
Asked by Tom Moore on 2020-01-06 05:39:34 UTC