Provide CLI roslaunch with XML <group> tag.
I would like to perform a roslaunch from the command line which replicates the < group> tag from the XML roslaunch syntax.
Is this possible?
For example, say I wanted to run the a launch file, spawnmavrosinstance.launch, which creates the following topics:
With the roslaunch XML format I could create a launch file with the
<group ns="uav1">
<include file="$(find ardupilot_gazebo)/launch/spawn_mavros_instance.launch">
<arg name="fcu_url" value="udp://" />
which creates topics with the following namespace:
I am using ROS Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04.
Asked by nealevanstrn on 2019-12-09 16:14:40 UTC
are you asking how to
file in a namespace?If so: you should be able to do that using
ROS_NAMESPACE=<your_namespace> roslaunch ...
.Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-12-09 18:22:44 UTC
Yes that works for my use case.
Thank You
Asked by nealevanstrn on 2019-12-09 18:37:25 UTC
Alternatively you could also add an argument to the launch file for the namespace.
You could just do
roslaunch ardupilot_gazebo mavros_namespace_instance.launch name:=uav1
and just replace the argument in the command line.Asked by Reamees on 2019-12-10 03:47:57 UTC