control LGSVL
Hello everybody,
I am trying to run Autoware 1.12.0 installed from source coupled with LGSVL. Hohevwe I am not able to make the car drive. Autoware is receiving all the data from the ROS bridge, but Autoware just sent a very smal amount of data when I check/un-check the twist_filter, but the vehicle keep stoped. I can even see the planned trajectory in Rviz but the vehicle do not drive.
I shared the images in the link
It is possible to check:
- The big difference between the count of published topics (2542 times) and the subscribed topics (4) in LGSVL;
- The vehicle model error that happens sometimes, but even this error does not occur the vehicle does not drive;
- Rviz,
- Setup of the Tabs Quick Start, Map and Computing of the Autoware. On the other tabs I did not change anything.
I am using:
- ROS Kinetic
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Nvidia GTX 980 Ti
Thank you in advance for some support.
Asked by Drechsler on 2019-12-09 10:13:59 UTC
Can you show me the data of the /vehicle_cmd topic?
Asked by Masaya Kataoka on 2019-12-11 21:20:04 UTC
Sure, it is below
Asked by Drechsler on 2020-01-02 04:01:31 UTC
I also notice that when I start the motion planning in the Quick start of Autoware it shows the error:
I copied the vehicle_socket.launch from /home/vil/ to the required directory but it did not solve the problem.
Asked by Drechsler on 2020-01-02 04:05:49 UTC
It seems... you are use LGSVL with Open Planner??
Asked by Masaya Kataoka on 2020-01-06 02:13:46 UTC
I am not using Open Planner from Autoware, I just checked lane_rule, lane_stop, lane_select, astar_avoid, velocity_set, pure _pursuit and twist_filter.
Asked by Drechsler on 2020-01-07 04:04:18 UTC