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pixhawk connection JETSON TX2

Hello Everyone. I’m new in ROS. I run roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="/dev/ttyTHS1:921600" gcs_url:="udp://@" and I get this:

But I'm not getting the Heartbeat CON: Got HEARTBEAT I am using a Jetson TX2 and I have already installed ROS and MAVROS. I have the pixhawk 4 connected to Jetson via Telem port 2. I don’t want to use APSync, I'm using PX4. I want to run a test in my own drone that I have. Please, I ask for help to the community.

Asked by subarashi on 2019-12-04 02:01:09 UTC


did you set the px4 baud rate to 921600?

Asked by Hamid Didari on 2019-12-05 04:12:45 UTC

The baud-rate is 115200 because the TX2 only can support baud-rate to 115200, btw I'm using the TX2 with the Orbitty carrier board. I realize that there is a problem with the TX2. I don't know what to do...

Asked by subarashi on 2019-12-05 04:16:23 UTC

I used tx2 with a j120 carrier board and connected pix4 v2 through serial 5 with 921600 baud rate and there is no problem. did you install your specific version of tx2 linux for the carrier board?

Asked by Hamid Didari on 2019-12-05 04:22:36 UTC

Hello! thanks for your reply. Where I find serial 5? Now i'm workin with the devkit of TX2 to see if the problem was the orbitty. the PX4 is already setup. In the TX2 i'm running roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="/dev/ttyTHS2:921600" gcs_url:="udp://14401@my_ip_TX2:14401"

Asked by subarashi on 2019-12-05 04:29:05 UTC


from the manual in this link you must use /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyTHS2 . /dev/ttyTHS1 is not aviliable. image description

Asked by Hamid Didari on 2019-12-05 05:10:58 UTC


I'm using /dev/ttyTHS2 but it seems not working...

Asked by subarashi on 2019-12-05 08:05:13 UTC

I found the problem. I posted a guide in my Github


Asked by subarashi on 2019-12-07 04:19:36 UTC


It would be awesome if you could post that directly here.

If (or more: when) you delete your github repository there will be nothing for future visitors to read. Which would be a shame and a loss of all that work.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-12-07 04:40:23 UTC