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How to avoid obstacle using velocity_set in autoware?

Hi you!

I am using autoware 1.12.0 with LGSVL simulator. I could control LGSVL car move from autoware. Now I want to make the car avoid obstacles (the car will decrease speed or stop when there is obstacle in front of). Currently, my car alway hit into other cars. I saw in document and source code and aware that velocityset node can detect obstacles and control the car to avoid them. Can you help me with how to configure velocityset node on autoware to archive my goals?

Thank you very much!

Asked by tiensu on 2019-11-26 03:55:44 UTC



Can you post your launch file of motion planning here?

Asked by yfshe on 2019-12-01 11:06:40 UTC


Hi yfshe! This is my launch file of motion planning:

<!-- Vehicle Contorl -->

<!-- obstacle_avoid -->

<!-- velocity_set -->

<!-- pure_pursuit -->

<!-- twist_filter -->

Asked by tiensu on 2019-12-01 21:39:39 UTC

Did you set points_topic for velocity_set in launch file? By the way, do you know how to debug Autoware node? It would be very useful if you can print key variable while Autoware is running.

Asked by yfshe on 2019-12-01 21:56:37 UTC

I set points_topic to points_no_ground.

What do you mean about debug Autoware node? I knew how to use ros command line such as: rosnode list, rostopic list, rostopic echo, ...

Asked by tiensu on 2019-12-01 22:04:17 UTC

What is the output of "rostopic echo points_no_groind", is that normal points cloud data?

What I mean debug is: modify source code, add some std::cout, rebuild, change executable file, run with "roslaunch --screen xxx.launch", check output...

Asked by yfshe on 2019-12-01 23:56:11 UTC

Thank you! I successfully configure Autoware to avoid obstacles using only data from lidar. Now, I will learn how to configure Autoware to find a new path when encountering obstacles. :))

Asked by tiensu on 2019-12-03 03:06:10 UTC

Can you share how to configure it? Now I want to implement this function. Thank you very much

Asked by liuliuliu on 2021-06-22 01:36:16 UTC