Problem with obstacle avoidance(astar_avoid) in planning?
I run astar_avoid script to avoid obstacles? But it doesn't avoid obstacles. I can detect obstacles from the lidar euclidean cluster launch. I use the Carla simulator to test this functionality.
I don't have a vector map. Does this affect obstacle avoidance? I get the waypoints directly from Carla through waypoint loader topic
Asked by Deepak63 on 2019-11-19 17:40:16 UTC
I got an idea after looking at the code and after observing the terminal output from the astar_avoid program
I could achieve it by adjusting the launch file args such as Replan set to 1.0 and avoid_start_velocity to 60.0 for one trial configuration. We can adjust the above values for better planning. The algorithm creates a new path around obstacles and seen in RVIZ.
Asked by Deepak63 on 2019-11-22 11:36:57 UTC