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Moveit generated file for gazebo not working

Hi, I generated a file using moveit to work in the gazebo simulator, but when I run the file I only get one part of the robot, I was wandering if I need to configure something to make that file work, my command to launch the file was "roslaunch package_name gazebo.launch". This gazebo.launch file was automatically generated by the movit framework. Did I do something wrong? How can I launch this file and see the whole robot?

The error I get from the terminal is " This robot has a joint named "spine_1" which is not in the gazebo model."

Asked by panches on 2019-11-16 18:58:40 UTC



Did you add physical properties and transmissions to your links? see this step of the setup assistant

Also, you are not supposed to have physical properties on the virtual joint.

Asked by bob-ROS on 2019-11-18 07:45:46 UTC
