Cobot executes planning once, then refuses any more planning executions
Hello. I'm working on a project that uses the Aubo i5. The code depends on MoveIt. I have a function that sets a Pose that's used as its goal, passes it to the MoveGroupCommander using the class's setposetarget function, and plans a route for the end effector to this goal, and then executes the planning. This works perfectly in a simulation, but when trying to control an actual robot, it doesn't. When I call my function for the first time, the robot works perfectly. But if I call the same function again, nothing happens. A plan is made, but I then get a timeout. If I then restart all of my software, I can make another movement, but then need to restart all the software again. I don't need to restart the Aubo i5 itself, just the software on my laptop.
To launch my program, I need to execute the following command: "roslaunch auboi5moveitconfig moveitplanningexecution.launch sim:=false robotip:=". This launches the control software for the robot. I then run "rosrun robotao", which is my own code that does the planning and execution. This program listens to a topic on which and x, y, and z is published, which are the coordinates of the goal.
Here is the code for planning and execution: def gotoposegoalinput(self,x,y,z): # Copy class variables to local variables to make the web tutorials more clear. # In practice, you should use the class variables directly unless you have a good # reason not to. group =
## BEGIN_SUB_TUTORIAL plan_to_pose
## Planning to a Pose Goal
## ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
## We can plan a motion for this group to a desired pose for the
## end-effector:
orientation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(pi, 0.0, -pi/2)
pose_goal = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose()
pose_goal.orientation.x = orientation[0]
pose_goal.orientation.y = orientation[1]
pose_goal.orientation.z = orientation[2]
pose_goal.orientation.w = orientation[3]
#pose_goal.orientation.w = 1.0
pose_goal.position.x = x
pose_goal.position.y = y
pose_goal.position.z = z
## Now, we call the planner to compute the plan and execute it.
plan = group.go(wait=True)
# Calling `stop()` ensures that there is no residual movement
# It is always good to clear your targets after planning with poses.
# Note: there is no equivalent function for clear_joint_value_targets()
# For testing:
# Note that since this section of code will not be included in the tutorials
# we use the class variable rather than the copied state variable
current_pose =
return all_close(pose_goal, current_pose, 0.01)
group refers to a moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander object.
Below is part of the output from moveitplanningexecution.launch. Things prefaced by dashes are commands that I put in in-between. Multiple newlines represent that a small amount of time (some seconds) passed in between outputs. I will post an attachment once I've gotten more karma (currently at 1, new account, stupid spam protection)
You can start planning now!
[ INFO] [1572254135.576545228]: Loading robot model 'aubo_i5'...
[ WARN] [1572254135.576735364]: Skipping virtual joint 'base_link' because its child frame 'base_link' does not match the URDF frame 'world'
[ INFO] [1572254135.576792087]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ INFO] [1572254135.863134193]: Loading robot model 'aubo_i5'...
[ WARN] [1572254135.863393023]: Skipping virtual joint 'base_link' because its child frame 'base_link' does not match the URDF frame 'world'
[ INFO] [1572254135.863499809]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ INFO] [1572254136.634436635]: Starting scene monitor
[ INFO] [1572254136.637862616]: Listening to '/move_group/monitored_planning_scene'
[ WARN] [1572254136.826878576]: The STL file 'package://aubo_description/meshes/aubo_i5/collision/pedestal.STL' is malformed. It starts with the word 'solid', indicating that it's an ASCII STL file, but it does not contain the word 'endsolid' so it is either a malformed ASCII STL file or it is actually a binary STL file. Trying to interpret it as a binary STL file instead.
[ INFO] [1572254137.583064467]: Constructing new MoveGroup connection for group 'manipulator_i5' in namespace ''
[ INFO] [1572254138.618141296]: Ready to take commands for planning group manipulator_i5.
[ INFO] [1572254138.618220385]: Looking around: no
[ INFO] [1572254138.618253950]: Replanning: no
[ WARN] [1572254138.626816772]: Interactive marker 'EE:goal_wrist3_Link' contains unnormalized quaternions. This warning will only be output once but may be true for others; enable DEBUG messages for ros.rviz.quaternions to see more details.
-----running command 1:
-----rostopic pub -1 /cobot/gripper_coordinate robotao/GripperCoordinate "x_axis: 0.5
-----y_axis: 0.5
-----z_axis: 0.15"
[ INFO] [1572254205.942548362]: Combined planning and execution request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning and execution pipeline.
[ INFO] [1572254205.943270698]: Planning attempt 1 of at most 1
[ INFO] [1572254205.945152438]: Planner configuration 'manipulator_i5' will use planner 'geometric::RRTConnect'. Additional configuration parameters will be set when the planner is constructed.
[ INFO] [1572254205.945789626]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ INFO] [1572254205.975153380]: RRTConnect: Created 5 states (3 start + 2 goal)
[ INFO] [1572254205.975310303]: Solution found in 0.029709 seconds
[ INFO] [1572254205.987476023]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.011721 seconds and changed from 4 to 2 states
[ INFO] [1572254207.660722688]: Completed trajectory execution with status SUCCEEDED ...
[ INFO] [1572254207.792242631]: Received event 'stop'
[ERROR] [1572254207.792277171]: To transition to an aborted state, the goal must be in a preempting or active state, it is currently in state: 3
-----running command 2:
-----rostopic pub -1 /cobot/gripper_coordinate robotao/GripperCoordinate "x_axis: 0.5
-----y_axis: 0.5
-----z_axis: 0.15"
[ INFO] [1572254268.117640714]: Combined planning and execution request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning and execution pipeline.
[ INFO] [1572254268.117803953]: Planning attempt 1 of at most 1
[ INFO] [1572254268.118522298]: Planner configuration 'manipulator_i5' will use planner 'geometric::RRTConnect'. Additional configuration parameters will be set when the planner is constructed.
[ INFO] [1572254268.118714775]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ INFO] [1572254268.169308951]: RRTConnect: Created 16 states (14 start + 2 goal)
[ INFO] [1572254268.169494051]: Solution found in 0.050825 seconds
[ INFO] [1572254268.184387746]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.014642 seconds and changed from 3 to 2 states
[ERROR] [1572254273.416677157]: Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory (the expected upper bound for the trajectory execution was 5.217249 seconds). Stopping trajectory.
[ INFO] [1572254273.417050084]: Cancelling execution for aubo_i5_controller
[ INFO] [1572254273.417317368]: Completed trajectory execution with status TIMED_OUT ...
[ INFO] [1572254273.588281928]: Received event 'stop'
[ERROR] [1572254273.588294589]: To transition to an aborted state, the goal must be in a preempting or active state, it is currently in state: 2
I'm using ROS Kinetic along with the Aubo drivers as found here:
Asked by Amanoo on 2019-10-31 04:35:37 UTC
The errors referring to action goals seem to indicate that the aubo driver is not handling the
action goals properly.I would ask the author of that driver to assist you.
Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-10-31 08:59:29 UTC