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How do I fix rviz_ogre_vendor build failure on when install Eloquent on Mac?

Hi all,

I am trying to following these instruction to install ROS 2.0 Eloquent Elusor on my MacBook Pro:

Unfortunately, the rvizogrevendor package fails to build after running:

colcon build --symlink-install

I'm a bit unsure how to interpret the terminal output (pasted below) to try and solve this. Could anyone provide any guidance please?


colcon build --symlink-install
Starting >>> ament_package
Starting >>> ament_lint
Starting >>> fastcdr
Starting >>> foonathan_memory_vendor
Finished <<< foonathan_memory_vendor [1.56s]                  
Starting >>> poco_vendor
Finished <<< ament_package [1.66s]                            
--- stderr: fastcdr
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: for: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/fastcdr/lib/libfastcdr.1.0.10.dylib (for architecture x86_64) option "-add_rpath /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/fastcdr/lib" would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/fastcdr/lib
Finished <<< fastcdr [1.71s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_core                                               
Starting >>> fastrtps
Finished <<< ament_lint [1.86s]                            
Starting >>> ament_flake8
Finished <<< poco_vendor [1.16s]                                    
Starting >>> cyclonedds                                                  
Finished <<< ament_cmake_core [1.22s]                                    
Starting >>> ament_cmake_libraries
Finished <<< ament_flake8 [1.52s]                              
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_libraries
Finished <<< ament_cmake_libraries [0.53s]                     
Starting >>> ament_cmake_include_directories
--- stderr: cyclonedds                                         
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/cyclonedds/lib found in: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/cyclonedds/bin/pubsub (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/cyclonedds/lib"
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: for: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/cyclonedds/bin/pubsub (for architecture x86_64) option "-add_rpath @loader_path/../lib" would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for: @loader_path/../lib
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/cyclonedds/lib found in: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/cyclonedds/bin/ddsls (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/cyclonedds/lib"
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: for: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/cyclonedds/bin/ddsls (for architecture x86_64) option "-add_rpath @loader_path/../lib" would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for: @loader_path/../lib
Finished <<< cyclonedds [1.07s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_python
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_libraries [0.79s]              
Finished <<< ament_cmake_include_directories [0.72s]            
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_dependencies
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_definitions                     
Finished <<< ament_cmake_python [0.64s]                         
Starting >>> ament_cmake_test
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_dependencies [0.66s]                  
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_include_directories
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_definitions [0.70s]                
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_link_flags
Finished <<< ament_cmake_test [0.66s]                              
Starting >>> ament_cmake_version
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_include_directories [0.72s]        
Starting >>> ament_cmake_export_interfaces
Finished <<< ament_cmake_version [0.69s]                           
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_link_flags [0.82s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_target_dependencies
Starting >>> ament_pep257                                          
Finished <<< ament_cmake_export_interfaces [1.27s]                 
Starting >>> ament_cppcheck
Finished <<< ament_cmake_target_dependencies [1.16s]               
Starting >>> ament_cmake                                           
Finished <<< ament_pep257 [2.08s]                                       
Finished <<< fastrtps [6.31s]
Starting >>> ament_copyright
Starting >>> ament_index_python
Finished <<< ament_cppcheck [2.32s]                              
Starting >>> tinydir_vendor                                           
Finished <<< ament_cmake [2.84s]                                      
Starting >>> uncrustify_vendor
Finished <<< ament_copyright [2.04s]                              
Starting >>> ament_lint_cmake
Finished <<< ament_index_python [2.54s]                              
Starting >>> ament_xmllint
Finished <<< tinydir_vendor [1.55s]                                           
Starting >>> ament_cpplint                                                  
Finished <<< uncrustify_vendor [1.57s]                                      
Finished <<< ament_lint_cmake [1.48s]                              
Starting >>> ament_cmake_lint_cmake
Starting >>> ament_uncrustify
Finished <<< ament_xmllint [1.92s]                              
Starting >>> libyaml_vendor                                     
Finished <<< ament_cmake_lint_cmake [1.71s]                     
Starting >>> ament_cmake_copyright
Finished <<< ament_cpplint [2.03s]                              
Starting >>> ament_lint_auto
Finished <<< libyaml_vendor [0.92s]                                
Starting >>> gtest_vendor
Finished <<< ament_uncrustify [2.22s]                              
Starting >>> ament_cmake_pytest
Finished <<< ament_cmake_copyright [0.70s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_cppcheck
Finished <<< ament_lint_auto [0.69s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_cmake_cpplint
Finished <<< gtest_vendor [0.71s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_cmake_uncrustify
Finished <<< ament_cmake_pytest [0.78s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_cmake_flake8
Finished <<< ament_cmake_cppcheck [0.82s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_cmake_pep257
Finished <<< ament_cmake_cpplint [0.87s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_cmake_xmllint
Finished <<< ament_cmake_uncrustify [0.87s]                                    
Starting >>> ament_cmake_gtest
Finished <<< ament_cmake_flake8 [0.79s]                                      
Starting >>> osrf_pycommon                                                   
Finished <<< ament_cmake_pep257 [0.72s]                                      
Starting >>> gmock_vendor
Finished <<< ament_cmake_xmllint [0.89s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_lint_common                                            
Finished <<< ament_cmake_gtest [1.10s]                                      
Starting >>> console_bridge_vendor
Finished <<< gmock_vendor [1.00s]                               
Starting >>> domain_coordinator                                 
Finished <<< ament_lint_common [0.76s]                          
Starting >>> rosidl_adapter
Finished <<< osrf_pycommon [1.72s]                              
Starting >>> rosidl_typesupport_interface
Finished <<< console_bridge_vendor [1.16s]                                    
Starting >>> fastrtps_cmake_module
Finished <<< rosidl_typesupport_interface [0.70s]                    
Starting >>> connext_cmake_module
Finished <<< rosidl_adapter [1.28s]                                  
Starting >>> rosidl_parser                                           
Finished <<< domain_coordinator [1.67s]                              
Starting >>> opensplice_cmake_module
Finished <<< fastrtps_cmake_module [0.92s]
Starting >>> cyclonedds_cmake_module
Finished <<< connext_cmake_module [0.81s]                                      
Starting >>> rmw_implementation_cmake
Finished <<< opensplice_cmake_module [0.84s]                            
Starting >>> python_cmake_module
Finished <<< rosidl_parser [1.17s]                                      
Starting >>> rosidl_cmake
Finished <<< cyclonedds_cmake_module [0.92s]
Starting >>> launch
Finished <<< rmw_implementation_cmake [1.20s]
Starting >>> ament_cmake_gmock
Finished <<< python_cmake_module [1.29s]                                      
Starting >>> ament_index_cpp                                           
Finished <<< rosidl_cmake [1.41s]                                      
Starting >>> rosidl_generator_dds_idl
Finished <<< ament_cmake_gmock [0.82s]                   
Starting >>> ament_cmake_ros
Finished <<< launch [1.58s]                              
Starting >>> launch_testing                                                 
Finished <<< ament_index_cpp [1.62s]                                         
Starting >>> class_loader                
Finished <<< ament_cmake_ros [1.51s]     
Starting >>> tracetools
Finished <<< rosidl_generator_dds_idl [1.76s]
Starting >>> python_qt_binding
Finished <<< launch_testing [1.85s]                              
Starting >>> launch_testing_ament_cmake                                   
Finished <<< python_qt_binding [1.04s]                                     
Starting >>> qt_gui
Finished <<< launch_testing_ament_cmake [0.71s]                            
Finished <<< tracetools [1.37s]                                             
Finished <<< class_loader [1.66s]
Starting >>> tinyxml2_vendor             
Starting >>> orocos_kdl
Starting >>> yaml_cpp_vendor
Finished <<< tinyxml2_vendor [0.42s]                             
Starting >>> eigen3_cmake_module
Finished <<< qt_gui [0.86s]                                      
Starting >>> tinyxml_vendor
Finished <<< yaml_cpp_vendor [0.69s]                                    
Starting >>> urdfdom_headers
--- stderr: orocos_kdl                                                    
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: for: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/orocos_kdl/lib/liborocos-kdl.1.4.0.dylib (for architecture x86_64) option "-add_rpath @loader_path/../lib" would duplicate path, file already has LC_RPATH for: @loader_path/../lib
Finished <<< orocos_kdl [1.09s]
Starting >>> osrf_testing_tools_cpp
Finished <<< tinyxml_vendor [0.59s]                                           
Finished <<< eigen3_cmake_module [0.79s]
Starting >>> libcurl_vendor
Starting >>> ament_cmake_auto                                             
Finished <<< urdfdom_headers [0.67s]                                      
Starting >>> urdfdom
Finished <<< libcurl_vendor [0.56s]      
Starting >>> rviz_assimp_vendor
Finished <<< ament_cmake_auto [0.63s]    
Starting >>> rviz_ogre_vendor
Finished <<< rviz_assimp_vendor [0.57s]  
Starting >>> qt_gui_py_common            
Finished <<< osrf_testing_tools_cpp [1.56s]
Starting >>> rcutils
--- stderr: urdfdom                                                    
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /usr/local/lib found in: /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/install/urdfdom/lib/liburdfdom_model_state.1.0.dylib (for architecture x86_64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /usr/local/lib"
Finished <<< urdfdom [1.72s]
Starting >>> urdf
Finished <<< qt_gui_py_common [1.07s]                                       
Starting >>> resource_retriever
--- stderr: rviz_ogre_vendor                                                
In file included from /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/rviz_ogre_vendor/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/OgreMain/src/OgreASTCCodec.cpp:29:
In file included from /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/rviz_ogre_vendor/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/OgreMain/src/OgreStableHeaders.h:45:
In file included from /Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/rviz_ogre_vendor/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/OgreMain/include/OgrePrerequisites.h:35:
/Users/userA/ros2_eloquent/build/rviz_ogre_vendor/ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1/OgreMain/include/OgrePlatform.h:150:13: fatal error: 'Availability.h' file not found
#   include "Availability.h"
1 error generated.
make[5]: *** [OgreMain/CMakeFiles/OgreMain.dir/src/OgreASTCCodec.cpp.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [OgreMain/CMakeFiles/OgreMain.dir/all] Error 2
make[3]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [ogre-v1.12.1-prefix/src/ogre-v1.12.1-stamp/ogre-v1.12.1-build] Error 2
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/ogre-v1.12.1.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
make: INTERNAL: Exiting with 5 jobserver tokens available; should be 4!
Failed   <<< rviz_ogre_vendor   [ Exited with code 2 ]
Aborted  <<< urdf
Aborted  <<< resource_retriever                                                
Aborted  <<< rcutils                                           

Summary: 83 packages finished [34.0s]
  1 package failed: rviz_ogre_vendor
  3 packages aborted: rcutils resource_retriever urdf
  5 packages had stderr output: cyclonedds fastcdr orocos_kdl rviz_ogre_vendor urdfdom
  206 packages not processed

Asked by Py on 2019-10-30 05:39:48 UTC


Hi, did you find any solution in regards to this issue? I also have the same issue.

Asked by ali ekber celik on 2019-11-26 17:29:58 UTC

Hi, since the new ROS 2.0 release on Nov 22nd I did have more luck installing using the binaries rather than from source, following these instructions: Now I am able to verify the install by running the talker and listener demos. However, I have not quite figured out how to install RVIZ, which doesn’t appear to be included in the binaries, although I’ve not had time to try to solve this. This has meant that I am still getting errors relating to my original question.

Asked by Py on 2019-11-27 03:39:20 UTC


Same situation here in 2021 with OSX Big Sur and ROS2 Foxy

Asked by veilkrand on 2021-02-26 06:28:08 UTC


I would suggest making your answer into a comment lest you get downvoted! That said, I have the same problem here in 2022 with macOS Monterrey and ROS2 Foxy. It appears that something changed with the file paths beginning with Big Sur. Did you find a solution?

Asked by wgrand on 2022-01-03 09:20:56 UTC