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Rviz Turtlebot Roomba SLAM error

Dear all,

I am using a roomba 500 series model with kinect ( version),in order to perform SLAM with ROS-electric and Linux 11.10 oneiric on both workstation-pc and turtlebot-laptop.

While I follow the tutorial in, I get the following error in rviz under laser scanner parameter:

Transform [sender=/opennimanager] For frame [/cameradepthframe]: Frame [/cameradepth_frame] does not exist.

I tried to change base and fixed frame values to something else, but again no luck.

Can you please let me know if anyone here faced the same error before?



P.S.: My camera node runs with no problem, and Kinect is powered up and normally. I have no problem at all to run the turtlebot follower tutorial, which makes use of Kinect and Roomba rover, runs smoothly.

Asked by cg on 2012-05-09 06:40:52 UTC


Tell us about the state of your TF tree; rosrun tf view_frames

Asked by Mac on 2012-07-10 10:56:25 UTC
