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[Autoware 1.12.0] cannot run the simulation with lgsvl simulator

Host OS: ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I fully followed the instructrions here:, but got many errors.

I got the docker images from remote using

./ -t 1.12.0

All launch files should be included under ~/Autoware/ folder, however, mang files were lost,

for example, when I tried to launch the detection, using GUI, it gives

    while processing /home/autoware/Autoware/install/vision_ssd_detect/share/vision_ssd_detect/launch/vision_ssd_detect.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/autoware/Autoware/install/vision_ssd_detect/share/vision_ssd_detect/launch/vision_ssd_detect.launch'
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

I looked inside the folder /home/autoware/Autoware/install/visionssddetect/share/visionssddetect/, it even doesn't contain a launch folder. I got lost here.

Asked by codespjw on 2019-10-14 21:49:09 UTC


@codespjw could you solve this problen?

Asked by Jock on 2020-05-07 09:46:15 UTC


vision_ssd_detect module needs to be built separately. It will not be built automatically by colcon. you will find instructions here:

However, you can still run waypoint following demo in lgsvl without the perception module.

Asked by liyou zhou on 2019-10-15 05:38:09 UTC


OKAY, thanks for the explanation. I do want to run waypoint following demo for the first step, however, when I click the LGSVL panel using the manager GUI, I got the following error in the terminal and no simulator config GUI appears, would you please give me any information about that?

[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named rqt_lgsvl_simulator_configurator below /home/autoware/Autoware/install/lgsvl_simulator_bridge/share/lgsvl_simulator_bridge

Asked by codespjw on 2019-10-15 23:44:47 UTC

don't run simulation via the runtime manager. that integration is most likely out of date. Just open the simulator separately.

Asked by liyou zhou on 2019-10-16 04:15:50 UTC