ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I am new with Jetson TX2.
I needed an OpenCV library with Cuda 9.
you know that there is the OpenCV version(3.x-dev) installed automatically with ROS kinetic.
I removed it using this command:
sudo apt remove ros-kinetic-opencv3
but sadly, cv_bridge
removed also with ros-kinetic-opencv3.
I followed this post here, but I can't complete it because he uses a cuda8
after removed it immediately, I checked it and saw another version (3.3.1) that it installed with ubuntu.
after I used these commends:
sudo apt build-dep opencv
sudo apt install libvtk6-qt-dev libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo dpkg -i ros-kinetic-opencv3_3.3.1-0xenial_arm64.deb
I get an error as in the title when I use import cv2
please help me or any ideas?
Asked by Redhwan on 2019-10-09 08:54:13 UTC