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How to modify message in /vehicle_cmd topic of autoware?

Hi everyone!

I want to modify a message in Autoware docker 1.12.0.

Particularly, I changed message definition /home/autoware/Autoware/src/autoware/messages/autoware_msgs/msg/ControlCommand.msg from:

float64 linear_velocity
float64 linear_acceleration #m/s^2
float64 steering_angle


float64 linear_velocity
float64 linear_acceleration #m/s^2
float64 steering_angle
**int8 direction**

After changing, I run 2 commands:

$ colcon build
$ rosmsg show autoware_msgs/VehicleCmd

The changed information is dislayed:

autoware_msgs/ControlCommand ctrl_cmd
  float64 linear_velocity
  float64 linear_acceleration
  float64 steering_angle
  int8 direction

So, it seems to be OK.

But, when I run autoware, connect to LGSVL Simulator to control, there is an error appeared: [ERROR] [1570003467.859621512]: Client [/websocket_bridge] wants topic /vehicle_cmd to have datatype/md5sum [autoware_msgs/VehicleCmd/a3f2ec879869c87c19ee8b50f4276ce6], but our version has [autoware_m sgs/VehicleCmd/153301368e83526f24c12f8e8cddf283]. Dropping connection.

Can you help me with a solution or a suggestion to solve the error?

Thank you very much!

Asked by tiensu on 2019-10-02 03:12:36 UTC

