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Gazebo Simulated Robot going at 1m/second acts weird

When I command a robot (turtlebot3) simulated in Gazebo to go 1m/second (via rostopic pub) in the x direction and no rotation, it drives erratically. Specifically it starts going on a straight line along the x direction, but soon it veers off and soon its doing a loopy pattern. I was imagining that I am asking that the the simulated robot is going faster than it can, but that doesn't make so much sense to me. Is there an explanation?

Asked by pitosalas on 2019-09-25 17:12:05 UTC


This reads like a duplicate of #q333323.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-09-26 01:42:49 UTC

Maybe but that one doesn't have an ansewr either...

Asked by pitosalas on 2019-10-02 12:18:53 UTC

Could be, but that doesn't really make it ok to post duplicates.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-10-02 12:21:58 UTC
