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Interfacing with Curtis Controllers over CANOpen

Hi Everyone, I am brand new to CAN protocols. I have done some light reading on CANOpen and kind of understand the premise. Is there an easy to use library to interface with ros? is there ros support? I have looked at ros_canopen but I couldn't find tutorials or any information.

Any links, support and explanations are appreciated, Thank you :)

Asked by PG_GrantDare on 2019-09-24 00:58:03 UTC



You can check the socketcan_interface under ros_canopen. It contains information on different tools, debugging and how to run drivers. You can also check out this question on how to use ros_canopen.

Asked by pavel92 on 2019-09-24 02:24:36 UTC


Hm, seems I need to research CAN a bit more. My understanding is not quite there yet it seems. Do you have any sources perhaps?

Asked by PG_GrantDare on 2019-09-24 19:23:22 UTC