Using the --split option in a launch file for rosbag recording.
I am trying to make a dashcam launch file so to speak for my robot with the ros kinetic's new split feature for rosbag.
Started out, I used the command rosbag record --split --duration=5s --max-splits 6 -o /some/directory/ /topic1 /topic2
in terminal and everything worked as desired which give me the most recent 6 or 7 bags with 5s duration in desired folder.
Then I started to make the launch file. It looked like this:
<node pkg="rosbag" name="dashcam" type="record" output="screen"
args = "--split --duration=5s --max-splits 6 -o /some/directory/ /topic1 /topic2
This launch file still give me the bag file with the topics and in desired folder but not the split function. Did I miss something here? Thanks
Asked by chaoshydra on 2019-09-23 10:34:07 UTC
So I got the "dashcam" working with modifying the args part.
args = "record --split --duration=5s -o /directory/ /topics"
I suppose I cannot ommit the "record" in args as some other recording examples here.
Asked by chaoshydra on 2019-09-24 15:05:55 UTC