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Can you provide a my_detection.launch file with complete perception features?

In the my_detection.launch file of the autowarequickstartexamples, only the lidareuclideanclusterdetect node is included. I am wondering if there is a file contains complete perceptual features such as visiondetect, sensorfusion, track, etc. There are a lot of nodes in the coreperception package, I don't know how to configure them to implement those features.

In addition, I found such a picture:Figure 4 Perception and recognition in the AutowareUsersManualv1.1(Page 11), but because it is very outdated, it is not applicable in version 1.12.

I also found a my_detection.launch file in the autoware-data from lgsvl, but it contains expired nodes and cannot be used in version 1.12.

Thank you

Ubuntu 16.04 Kinetic

Autoware 1.12.0

Asked by yfshe on 2019-09-19 01:55:40 UTC



I am wondering if there is a file contains complete perceptual features such as vision_detect, sensor_fusion, track, etc.

Unfortunately, no. There is no such file.

If you want to use other core_perception packages, you can launch by using roslauch blah blah.launch just like the other ros package.

Asked by kosuke_murakami on 2019-09-19 19:07:42 UTC


@kosuke_murakami Thank you for your reply!

Can you check if this solution is correct(mainly for perception and local planning, ignoring mapping, localization, global_planning, etc):

  1. I use the vision_ssd_detect to detect objects in the vision input, and lidar_euclidean_cluster_detect to detect objects in the lidar input.
  2. I use the range_fusion for sensor fusion.
  3. I use the imm_ukf_pda_track to track the detected objects output by the fusion algorithm.
  4. I use the naive_motion_predict to add motion prediction data.
  5. I use the costmap_generator to generate costmap using the previous perception data.
  6. Combining costmap, I use the astar_avoid and the velocity_set to generate waypoints
  7. Finally, I use the pure_pursuit to generate vehicle control commands.

Asked by yfshe on 2019-09-20 07:46:51 UTC