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Device Resource Busy

Hi, I have connected usb Logitech Camera with Raspberry Pi 3 B. I am using usbcam node of ROS Kinetic.It works fine when I use the command rosrun usbcam usbcamnode with no error. But when I try to view the usbcam connected on Raspberry Pi on Remote PC through ssh with imageview package it shows the following error Device Resource Busy and the usbcam node gets terminated. The usbcam node works really fine but as soon as I view the image by using either rqt or rqtimageview the window opens it shows the image for 1-2 secs and the node gets terminated. I will be really grateful if you guide me with a solution for this.

Raspberry Pi 3 B OS : Ubuntu Mate ROS Kinetic version.

Thanks & Regards, Rutuja Haridas

Asked by rutujaharidas on 2019-09-14 07:50:53 UTC

