How to run Multiple Turtlebot 2/3 in real world?
I have the latest ROS recommended distribution and Ubuntu 18.04.
I have been able to run a single turtlebot 3 with no problem. Now how do I go about running more than one turtlebot using a SINGLE ROS MASTER on my laptop. Wether it is a turtlebot 2 or 3 does not matter. In the real world and not the simulation.
I have read multiple answers on this site but do not understand how to fully implement it.
I know the issue has to do with namespace and tf. How do I go about doing this? I need to distinguish between robot one and robot two. Please explain step by step as I'm new to ROS but I have done my reading and have a pretty good understanding of most things in ROS.
Once implemented I will post all my results to help out everyone else.
Asked by humzaChoudry on 2019-09-03 20:29:34 UTC
If every turtelbot has it own ros master everything is OK. Then every separate robot is an own unit.
Asked by duck-development on 2019-09-04 02:17:28 UTC
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I want to run using a single ros master on my computer. The question has been updated. Thank you though.
Asked by humzaChoudry on 2019-09-04 02:19:42 UTC
Look here there is you setup
Asked by duck-development on 2019-09-04 02:20:51 UTC
You can add <param name="tf_prefix" value="robot_1"/>
for adding prefix to your urdf for each of the robots.
Similarly you can group the launch files for both of robots in different namespaces. An example can be found here.
Asked by Choco93 on 2019-09-04 06:28:21 UTC
You can check this video by "The Construct". This should solve your problem. Link:
I had also implemented the same. If you have prior experience with namespaces and launch files then check (Here)
Asked by Pallav on 2019-09-05 00:21:32 UTC