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Turtlebot3 ROS2 DDS Implementation error


I have followed the following steps:

Both the sbc setup on the turtlebot and the remote have ros2 properly installed and can run turtlebot bringup. The only issue is upon connectivity between the remote and the turtlebot. The remote and the sbc do not recognize each other, thus any commands made by the remote are not received by the turtlebot. I am on the same wifi network.

Let me know if you have any ideas/solutions!

Asked by Felipe on 2019-08-30 11:16:16 UTC


Have you tried the troubleshooting suggestion to check if multicast if working for you:

Asked by Dirk Thomas on 2019-08-30 12:50:43 UTC

I'll give it a try today, thank you!

Asked by Felipe on 2019-09-03 08:39:46 UTC

I have the same problem. The turtlebot and remote pc are not talking to one another. I followed the troubleshooting link and checked that multicast is enabled on both ends, and it is, but I cannot get send and receive to work.

Asked by Anthony on 2020-01-20 04:44:49 UTC

Following up with the last comment, I tested sending and receiving between two PCs on the same network and that works, so the problem seems to be with the TurtleBot.

Asked by Anthony on 2020-01-20 05:04:36 UTC


Hi Felipe,

I am the new Developer Advocate over at Open Robotics who just started last week. I am actually aware of this problem and we're looking into it (but we don't have a solution just yet). We're going to try changing out the ROS middleware layer and also looking at using an alternative Wifi chipset to see if that helps.

I'm really curious about how you felt about the documentation. Could you shoot me an email at the address listed in my profile?

Asked by kscottz on 2019-08-30 12:28:09 UTC


Hi @kscottz ,

I am having a similar problem, in fact quite likely the same problem. I am trying to use ROS 2 Dashing with Turtlebot3 Waffle Pi and a remote pc, and I can successfully run bringup but I cannot see topics from the TB3 on the remote pc. I have set the same ROS_DOMAIN_ID.

If any progress has been made or you have any suggestions I would be grateful.

Asked by jbot2020 on 2020-09-04 20:25:37 UTC

What version of ROS 2? We've heard people have better luck when they change out their DDS vendor. Give that a shot and see what happens.

Asked by kscottz on 2020-09-08 19:01:34 UTC