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The custom global planner plugin is causing move_base to crash immediately on startup, even before the log file is created [move_base process has died].

I am successfully able to roslaunch a file, but when i set 2D nav goal in rviz, the robot is not moving that gives the error as movebase process has died. I can't get a movebase log file inside the /.ros directory.

[ INFO] [1567175077.809176553, 102.319000000]: Current iterations reset to 0.
[ INFO] [1567175077.813592929, 102.322000000]: Hey, we reached our goal, index: 14
[ INFO] [1567175077.813743192, 102.322000000]: Building the plan.
[ INFO] [1567175077.813842335, 102.322000000]: x: 0.21 (204), y: -0.82 (183)
[ INFO] [1567175077.813901847, 102.322000000]: x: -0.38 (192), y: -3.24 (135)
[ INFO] [1567175077.813963874, 102.322000000]: x: -0.29 (194), y: -2.58 (148)
[ INFO] [1567175077.814015872, 102.322000000]: A path was found.
[ INFO] [1567175078.095393700, 102.520000000]: Got new plan
[ INFO] [1567175079.251749221, 103.319000000]: Current iterations reset to 0.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  vector<bool>::_M_range_check: __n (which is 3643154043) >= this->size() (which is 147456)
[move_base-16] process has died [pid 4036, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/move_base/move_base cmd_vel:=navigation_velocity_smoother/raw_cmd_vel odom:=odom scan:=scan __name:=move_base __log:=/home/gayathri/.ros/log/aa088864-cb31-11e9-944d-00e04c2e7836/move_base-16.log].
log file: /home/gayathri/.ros/log/aa088864-cb31-11e9-944d-00e04c2e7836/move_base-16*.log

Asked by gayathri on 2019-08-30 10:34:21 UTC


hey did you solve the problem? It also happened to me :)


Asked by chunkitleung on 2020-02-21 09:37:47 UTC
