No INFO messages when launching nodes
I have recently update to ROS2 dashing and I have the issue that when I run my nodes with ros2 run
I see the messages typed inside node.get_logger().info('')
but when I launch the same node from a launch file using ros2 launch [package] [launch_file]
it does not (just appears the message [INFO] [nodename-1]: process started with pid [xx]
My current launch file is the following one:
# ROS imports
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch_ros.actions import Node
def generate_launch_description():
ld = LaunchDescription([
Node(package='gui_pkg', node_executable='gui_node', output='screen'),
Node(package='sequence_scheduler_pkg', node_executable='sequence_scheduler_node', output='screen'),
Node(package='planner_pkg', node_executable='planner_node', output='screen'),
Node(package='simulation_pkg', node_executable='simulation_node', output='screen'),
Node(package='dds_wrapper_pkg', node_executable='Action2DDSCudaGps', output='screen'),
Node(package='state_machine_pkg', node_executable='state_machine_node', output='screen')
return ld
if __name__ == '__main__':
I know that the common mistake is to forget the screen
but I am not and it is strange that in CRYSTAL it works while in DASHING doesn´t.
What it is even more strange is that if I cancel the execution with Ctr
I see all the messages like they were always there from before
Asked by hect1995 on 2019-08-21 07:54:20 UTC