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having trouble installing p2os

I am attemping to install p2os as per the tutorial : p2os tutorial I have just installed ros-fuerte-desktop-full on a ubuntu 11.10 virtual machine. i set up my workspace to correspond to the tutorial so my ROSPACKAGEPATH and ROS_WORKSPACE point to ~/ros/stacks. My problem is when i attempt to do step 6 i get this error:

rosmake p2os --rosdep-install Usage: rosmake [options] [PACKAGE]...

rosmake: error: no such option: --rosdep-install mac@mac-VirtualBox:~/ros/stacks$

edit: A associate of mine tells me i have installed the wrong version of ros. So i have installed electric and changed my paths from feurer to electric. Now i get this error: mac@mac-VirtualBox:~/ros/stacks$ rosmake p2os --rosdep-install[ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['p2os']
[ rosmake ] Logging to directory/home/mac/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20120501-193423 [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['p2os'] to: []
[ rosmake ] WARNING: The following args could not be parsed as stacks or packages: ['p2os'] [ rosmake ] ERROR: No arguments could be parsed into valid package or stack names.

Asked by avatarofwill13 on 2012-05-01 13:07:05 UTC


Are you sure the package is in your $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH?

Asked by DimitriProsser on 2012-05-02 04:27:23 UTC

This is my ros package path: mac@mac-VirtualBox:~$ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH /home/mac/ros/stacks:/opt/ros/electric/stacks thus i did the first instruction in the ros p2os install tutorial cd ~/ros/stacks/

svn co usc-ros-pkg

Asked by avatarofwill13 on 2012-05-02 08:29:09 UTC

So it should be on my package path.

Asked by avatarofwill13 on 2012-05-02 08:31:30 UTC

Can you try rosdep install p2os then rosmake p2os

Asked by sai on 2012-10-08 22:44:47 UTC
