moveit getplanmotion through ros bridge
First I want to say that I'm a beginner in the ROS topic.
We are actually working for a project where we want to move a UR10 through ros_bridge.
I was able to retrieve the robot state and move it through the armcontroller command. Now we would like to use MoveIt as planner. My question is the following. Is it possible to call Moveit service GetMotionPlan through the rosbridge ?
If yes, what is the topic I should write to ? I tried /moveitmsgs/GetMotionPlan but this doesn't work. In the graph there is a bunch of movegroup topics but none looks like the one I am looking for.
Is what we try to achieve feasible ? Is is the right choice to use MoveIt to get a motion plan ?
Thanks for the help
Asked by AlainBirchmeier on 2019-08-09 06:33:27 UTC
You should use moveIt msgs/dispaly trajectory
Asked by mohan_pannirselvam on 2020-07-10 06:18:51 UTC
It's quite old now. We went a different way and did not use ROS. Thanks anyway for your answer :)
Asked by AlainBirchmeier on 2020-07-13 00:31:44 UTC