Saving moveit poses
The moveit assistant creates a .srdf file containing group states for certain move groups.
Is there an API call or way to store poses during runtime and have them available in the MoveGroupCommander, and also added to the srdf file?
Asked by Eisenhorn on 2019-08-01 06:01:51 UTC
The SRDF cannot be changed at runtime by the move_group to my knowledge (only the setup assistant changes it), but there is the rememberJointValues method in the MoveGroupInterface. Those saved values are not persistent, but you could save/load them to/from a YAML file yourself.
I believe you can also store poses in a database and save/load those ("warehouse"). I am not familiar with the functionality, I just know it exists.
Asked by fvd on 2020-03-02 07:36:29 UTC