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Client [/level_mux] wants topic /map_metadata to have datatype/md5sum [multi_level_map_msgs/MultiLevelMapData/39402ce2a58e2634a68644e43995cbff], but our version has [nav_msgs/MapMetaData/10cfc8a2818024d3248802c00c95f11b]. Dropping connection.

I checked with other simialr questions here such as Link1 Link2 Link3 and a few others.

But im unable to draw relevant conclusions for the error I have. I'm currently using the open sourced multimapserver package from Utexas BWI.

So far from the other simialr queries,

  1. I've compiled ans sourced the latest packages for Kinect, same has been followed after I make any change.
  2. Same queue sizes have been maintainedinthe multi_map part. I haven't checked with the robot yet.

I'm using the Jackal gazebo simulator and trying this in simulation.

What approach do I follow here to overcome this?


Thank you.

PS: The navigation stack is working and i'm able to navigate the robot o goals. Also i'm able to run the example of multimapserver with my own maps.

it would be great if I could get some advice on how to use this correctly if anyone has worked on this type of stuff.

Asked by spiritninja on 2019-07-26 02:58:19 UTC

