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error at openrave "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae

hello,guys, i want to use ikfast in moveit and so i followed the moveit tutorial, but when i come to the step:openrave "$MYROBOT_NAME".dae。 it has a error in my console:

[colladareader.cpp:2235 FillGeometryColor] transparecy is 1.000000, which means the item will be rendered invisible, this must be a mistake so setting to opaque (1)
[colladareader.cpp:2235 FillGeometryColor] transparecy is 1.000000, which means the item will be rendered invisible, this must be a mistake so setting to opaque (1)

i‘m now crazy and dont know what caused this, can you help me?

Thank you in advance

Asked by luca123 on 2019-07-12 03:52:04 UTC


Cross-posted: ros-planning/moveit_tutorials#359.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-07-12 04:49:35 UTC

Did you follow the instructions in the linked thread and the updated tutorial? Is this solved?

Asked by fvd on 2020-03-03 00:36:47 UTC

I have same issue, not solved, with these errors in the terminal, I can not see anything inside of the openrave.

Asked by peng cheng on 2021-08-30 15:20:06 UTC
