hector_slam and navigation stack
I drive around a robot by joystick and record a bagfile, after I recorded the bagfile I start hectorslam (which starts hectormapping) to create a geotiff map of the environment (this works fine). Now I want to use this map to give the robot a goal in rviz and it should find the way to the goal by itself (this does not work at all). How can I get the navigation stack working with my map created from the bagfile and hectorslam? I don't have navmsgs/Odometry or Odometry information via tf. I can nor attached the viewframes, the rqtgraph or the bagfile because I don't have enough points. I read and did the tutorials regarding tf, gmapping, hector_slam and navigation stack.
Some specs of the robot:
- ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 on Raspberry Pi
- LiDAR Sensor Sick TIM
- Differential drive with 6 motors (no encoders!)
- Thunderborg motor controller
Thanks for your help!
Asked by marvijar on 2019-07-04 05:51:55 UTC