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problem with client node

hey. i have created a client node in order to control turtlebot in gazebo. something is not ok though. the roswtf command gives these warnings:

WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected: * /gazebo: * /gazebo/setmodelstate * /setupdaterate * /gazebo/setlinkstate * /sethfov * /cmdvel

WARNING The following nodes are unexpectedly connected: * /gazebo->/rosout (/rosout) * /kounatoasistola2->/rosout (/rosout)

WARNING These nodes have died: * spawnturtlebotmodel-3

WARNING No tf messages

any ideas??


Asked by grge on 2012-04-26 09:27:53 UTC


What is your node supposed to do, and in what way does it not work? Just the output from roswtf is not sufficient to debug most problems.

Asked by Dan Lazewatsky on 2012-04-26 11:00:42 UTC

my node takes a final pose of the robot (x,y,theta), and produces the linear and angular velocities until the robot reaches the goal. so i have to get the robot pose in each time step in order to implement the control.!

Asked by grge on 2012-04-26 11:53:19 UTC

Please don't post duplicates:

Asked by tfoote on 2012-04-26 14:02:02 UTC


include "ros/ros.h"

include "gazebo_msgs/SetModelState.h"

include "gazebo_msgs/GetModelState.h"

include "gazebo_msgs/GetPhysicsProperties.h"




int main(int argc, char** argv)


ros::init(argc, argv, "kouna_to_asistola2");

ros::NodeHandle n;

double f, t, th, a, x, y, e, p, csa, sna, u, w, Xfinal[3], Xinit[3];

double pi=3.141592654;

int g = 3; int h = 1; int k = 6;

int i;

geometry_msgs::Pose pose;

geometry_msgs::Twist twist;

twist.linear.x = 0.0; twist.linear.y = 0.0;

Xinit[0]=0; Xinit[1]=0; Xinit[2]=0;

Xfinal[0]=6.0; Xfinal[1]=7.0; Xfinal[2]=86.0;

for(i=1; i<100000; i+=1) {

ros::ServiceClient gmscl=n.serviceClient("/gazebo/get_model_state");

ros::ServiceClient gphspro=n.serviceClient("/gazebo/get_physics_properties");

ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient("/gazebo/set_model_state");

gmscl.waitForExistence(); gphspro.waitForExistence(); client.waitForExistence();

gazebo_msgs::GetModelState getmodelstate; getmodelstate.request.model_name ="turtlebot";;

gazebo_msgs::GetPhysicsProperties getphysicsproperties;;

pose.position.z = 0.0;
pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
pose.orientation.y = 0.0;

twist.linear.z = 0.0;
twist.angular.x = 0.0;
twist.angular.y = 0.0;


ROS_INFO("position.x = %f",pose.position.x); ROS_INFO("position.y = %f",pose.position.y); ROS_INFO("orientation = %f",pose.orientation.z);

x = Xfinal[0] - Xinit[0];

y = Xfinal[1] - Xinit[1];

f = Xfinal[2] - Xinit[2];

p = atan2(y,x); p = p*180/pi;

th = Xfinal[2] - p;

a = th - f;

if(a<0) a=-a;

csa = cos(a*pi/180); sna = sin(a*pi/180);

e = sqrt(x*x + y*y);

//Υπολογισμός γραμμικής ταχύτητας - u u = (e*g*csa);

//Υπολογισμός γωνιακής ταχύτητας - ω w = (k*a + ((g*csa*sna*(a + h*th))/a));

twist.angular.z = w; twist.linear.x = sqrt(u*u - twist.linear.y*twist.linear.y); twist.linear.y = sqrt(u*u - twist.linear.x*twist.linear.x);

if(Xinit[0] <= Xfinal[0]) pose.position.x = getmodelstate.response.pose.position.x+twist.linear.x*t)); else pose.position.x = getmodelstate.response.pose.position.x+0.0;

if(Xinit[1] <= Xfinal[1]) pose.position.y = getmodelstate.response.pose.position.y+twist.linear.y*t)); else pose.position.y = getmodelstate.response.pose.position.y+0.0;

if(Xinit[2] <= Xfinal[2]) pose.orientation.z = getmodelstate.response.pose.orientation.z+(twist.angular.z*t); else pose.orientation.z = getmodelstate.response.pose.orientation.z+0.0;

Xinit[0]=pose.position.x; Xinit[1]=pose.position.y; Xinit[2]=pose.orientation.z;

// ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient("/gazebo/set_model_state");

gazebo_msgs::SetModelState setmodelstate;
gazebo_msgs::ModelState modelstate;
modelstate.model_name ="turtlebot";
modelstate.pose = pose;
modelstate.twist = twist;


 if (
   ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service for setmodelstate ");
   return 1;

u=0.0; twist.angular.z=0.0;



Asked by grge on 2012-04-26 11:55:58 UTC


Please update your question with new information instead of posting it as an answer. ROS Answers is not a forum or mailing list, so answers may be reordered by date or votes and won't make sense to the next person with this problem. Thanks for helping to keep ROS Answers organized and easy to use!

Asked by Eric Perko on 2012-04-26 13:39:13 UTC