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WCET measurement

In Autoware measurer:

void ExecTime::start_time() {
    start_time_ms = get_current_time_ms();
void ExecTime::end_time() {
    end_time_ms = get_current_time_ms();
    exec_time_ms = end_time_ms>start_time_ms ? end_time_ms-start_time_ms : 0;}

But with fixed-priority preemptive scheduling, the node being measured may be preempted by higher priority nodes, hence the WCET measurement may not be accurate.

Asked by zgu666 on 2019-06-27 18:20:09 UTC


Please always use the autoware tag for autoware questions. This is not a general ROS 2 question.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-06-28 06:41:43 UTC


I developed at university for ros 1.0 (indigo + kinetic). However, I do not maintain it now.

Asked by yukkysaito on 2019-07-03 21:56:31 UTC
