Cannot read property 'idCounter' of undefined
I an programming a navigation tool for ROS in a VUE.js environment. Everything works fine with the lib but only the Topic.publish() function makes some trouble.
Here is the Code:
<div class="navigation" v-bind="mounted()">
<p>Name: {{}}</p>
<div class="nav-buttons-container">
<p><button class="nav-btn" v-on:click="navigation('forward')">Forward</button></p>
<p><button class="nav-btn" v-on:click="navigation('left')">TurnLeft</button><button class="nav-btn" v-on:click="navigation('right')">TurnRight</button></p>
<p><button class="nav-btn" v-on:click="navigation('backward')">Backward</button></p>
export default {
name: "Navigation",
props: {
robot: {
type: Object
data() {
return {
message: "This is a great Message2!"
methods: {
var ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({
url : 'wss://'
var rosTopic = new ROSLIB.Topic({
ros : this.ros,
name : '/cmd_vel_mux/input/navi',
//this is the topic, where all security features are disabled!
//name: '/yocs_cmd_vel_mux/fine_pos/cmd_vel',
messageType : 'geometry_msgs/Twist'
var vector = new ROSLIB.Message({
linear :{x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0},
angular:{x : 0.0, y : 0.0, z : 0.0}
var force = 1.5;
var vTrans = 0.5;
var vRot = 0.6;
var dx=0.0;
var dy=0.0;
if(direction === 'forward'){
var radian = 1.5707963267948966;
dx = Math.cos(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
dy = Math.sin(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
else if(direction === 'left'){
var radian = 3.141592653589793;
dx = Math.cos(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
dy = Math.sin(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
else if(direction === 'right'){
var radian = 0;
dx = Math.cos(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
dy = Math.sin(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
else if(direction === 'backward'){
var radian = 4.71238898038469;
dx = Math.cos(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
dy = Math.sin(radian)*Math.min(force, 1.0);
vector.linear.x = vTrans*dy;
vector.angular.z = -vRot*dx;
alert("sending to ros: %o", vector.linear);
mounted() {
window.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
if(e.key === 'w'){
alert('W was pressed');
else if (e.key === 'a'){
alert('A was pressed');
else if (e.key === 'd'){
alert('D was pressed');
else if (e.key === 's'){
alert('S was pressed');
else {
alert("Navigate with the buttons WASD. Your pressed Key is: " + e.key);
Asked by eduardbaecker on 2019-06-27 09:21:03 UTC
try to declare this:
var ros = new ROSLIB.Ros({
url : 'wss://'
as a global variable, not in the vue instance.
Asked by fandykun on 2019-11-10 04:25:40 UTC
Can you describe exactly what the problem you're having is and what you expect to happen
Doesn't tell us very much.
Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-06-27 11:03:01 UTC
it does not send the vector data at
There comes the errormessage:
at roslib.js
I expect to get an answer from my test echo websocket server
Asked by eduardbaecker on 2019-06-27 13:37:30 UTC