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Could not get server version

Ubuntu 16.04. Using mocapoptitrack and executing "roslaunch mocapoptitrack mocap.launch" after a few setup commands. However I get this spit back

[ WARN] : Could not get server version, using auto.

However then it gets stuck in a while loop in mocap_node that require server version data which is being returned as empty. Therefore initialization is never finished and nothing works.

I don't have much experience here so if there are any avenues to explore in fixing this it would be greatly appreciated. Also I'm pretty sure all my data is being streamed correctly but if you think its may not be let me know.

Asked by Shniss on 2019-06-24 13:50:13 UTC


Me too, I'm getting:

[ WARN] [1678628012.463674173]: Could not get server version, using auto
[ WARN] [1678628012.487252014]: Reconfigure callback failed with exception Failed to set socket option: EINVAL:

Asked by dolevfr on 2023-03-12 08:45:33 UTC
