Unable to connect to master at http//***********/11311
hi. i am a beginner in this field. I have pi 3 and ubuntu 16.04 on my PC. I'm trying to launch roscore. When i give command sshpi@******** , it connect, roscor on my PC also run, but when i run "roslaunch turtlebot3bringup turtlebot3robot.launch" it says unable to coonect to master at http: ip of my PC. Can anyone help in this regard?
Asked by enthusiast.australia on 2019-06-24 04:07:39 UTC
Can you please update your question with a copy and paste of the full error (without reacting the host name of IP addresses)? It'll be difficult to help otherwise
Asked by jayess on 2019-06-24 10:43:10 UTC
Have you thoroughly read https://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/MultipleMachines ?
Asked by ChuiV on 2019-06-24 10:57:21 UTC