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xacro to urdf

Hi to all,

I am new to ROS and I am working on schunk_lwa4p arm and pg70 gripper attached at the end of it. I want to create moveit package and give movement to arm. And I have found the urdf file for this arm here as robot.urdf.xacro and I have converted this file to robot.urdf using rosrun xacro xacro --inorder -o robot.urdf robot.urdf.xacro ,

And I have found the urdf file for this gripper as pg70.urdf.xacro.

My question is how can I edit these two files and create the arm including the gripper at the end ?

Asked by k5519995 on 2019-06-13 11:25:11 UTC



This is typically done with another xacro file. So you write one xacro file that includes the xacro file for the arm and the gripper, and then connects them with a join of some kind (probably a fixed joint). Here's an example for the Sawyer robot:

Note that this xacro file includes xacro files for the robot, the Gazebo parameters, and the grippers.

Asked by jarvisschultz on 2019-06-13 14:35:03 UTC
