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how can I publish odometry data using mpu6050 and Arduino UNO?

I have to publish odometry for ros navigation stack. I have mpu6050 sensor and an arduino UNO board. I'm working on a RPi 3 with ros kinetic. Is there an online tutorial available for this or any useful link.

Asked by sajal on 2019-06-07 01:14:29 UTC


check this tutorial: ROS Publisher Using rosserial on Arduino

Asked by mali on 2019-06-07 02:08:42 UTC

Are u sure that you want to rely on an IMU for generating odometry data? You will have a lot of drift-error.

Asked by mtROS on 2019-06-07 02:25:41 UTC

I don't have encoders, so is there any other option.

Asked by sajal on 2019-06-07 04:29:14 UTC

so is there any other option.

visual odometry.

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-06-07 05:56:33 UTC


If your slam need odometry so you may use Hector slam, it do not need the this input.

otherwise you have some speed controll for your motors, there you could integrate the set velosity and then you get some simulated odometry, but you do not get a feedback controll.

Asked by duck-development on 2020-04-07 15:06:00 UTC
