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Rotating a point cloud

I am visualizing a point cloud in rviz which has its oriented in a different way. Its as if the kinect is on the z axis so I need to rotate the point cloud to visualize it along the x axis. I have subscribed to the topic that gives the rotation (in quaternion) and translation of the point cloud but I need help to republish that new rotation on to a different frame to view both frames together.

Asked by akhilesh on 2019-05-23 19:39:45 UTC



This sounds as though it's a question of coordinate frames.

You don't need modify the point cloud data to do this you can instead set your RVIZ global frame to a suitable frame that it will appear in the orientation you want.

If you use a static transform publisher to define the rotation you need between the world frame and your kinect frame. When this is setup you will be able to set the RVIZ global frame to the world frame defined in the static transform, then you should see the point cloud as you expect.

You might also want to have a look at REP 103 which defines the coordinate conventions in ROS, the convention is different for optical sensors such as your kinect than it is for robotic platforms. This difference is the cause of your issue.

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-05-24 06:21:40 UTC


This different is probably the cause of your issue.

Not probably, it is the cause here.

This is such a common question that I'm wondering how we can make this more obvious / explain it clearer. Just to avoid the myriad of ROS Answers posts about "my pointcloud is on the ceiling".

Asked by gvdhoorn on 2019-05-24 06:27:19 UTC

Fair, point. Updated

Asked by PeteBlackerThe3rd on 2019-05-24 06:29:28 UTC