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smach_viewer error

So I don't always get this error when I run smachviewer but it occurs about 50% of the time I run it. Is it a bug with smachviewer or perhaps my code?

Error output

wxversion 2.8 is not installed, installed versions are ['3.0-gtk2']
wxversion 2.8 is not installed, installed versions are ['3.0-gtk2']

( Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_disable_setlocale() must be called before gtk_init()
ERROR PARSING DOT CODE Error: trouble in init_rank
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 2
    %0 2
    %0 2
    %0 13
    %0 2
    %0 13
    %0 12
    %0 12
    %0 1
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Diet:succeeded 1
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion:preempted 5
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion:aborted 1
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion:succeeded 2
    %0 1
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/Stop_Service_Activity_Emotion 1
    %0 2
    %0 1
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/Monitor_Stop_Service_Activity_Emotion 1
    %0 2
    %0 1
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/Start_Service_Activity_Emotion 1
    %0 2
    %0 1
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/Nav_Goal 2
    %0 2
    /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/__proxy__ 2
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    %0 1
    __empty__ 3
Warning: /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Monitor_Close_Goal -> /RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion/__proxy__: head not inside head cluster cluster_/RMS/Auto_Mode/Auto_Mode_Services/Service_Activity_Emotion

What happens next? The smachviewer window, which still shows the state machine, fades into a grayish color and an empty dotviewer window pops up.

image description

Asked by Orl on 2019-05-21 03:49:19 UTC


I have the same issue. I have tested all of my state transitions and it all checks out. I can't find any error in my code other than a python warning about expecting a list instead of a Dict in my concurrent state declaration. I am suspicious it is related to the concurrent state and possibly the outcome map or default transition.

Do you have a concurrent state in your smach state machine?

Did you ever resolve this issue?

Cheers Alex

Asked by yelkcub on 2020-09-24 06:56:34 UTC
