Downloading PDO communication object failed! with schunk_canopen_driver (CAN_ERR_OK)
i'm using Ubuntu 14.04 with 4.4.0-148-generic kernel, ROS-Indigo and the PEAK USB-CAN interface. I followed the instructions at to build from source. So automatic the peak-driver 8.3.0 has been installed. I try to run the Schunk LWA4P or. the Scout active which is equipped with the Schunk, but I am directly connected with the LWA4P.
So when I run the launchfle $ roslaunch schunk_canopen_driver standalone_profile_position.launch
I get this output:
$ roslaunch schunk_canopen_driver standalone_profile_position.launch
... logging to /home/scout/.ros/log/e2e53aba-7af0-11e9-8d98-f44d306ff777/roslaunch-scout-nuc-7912.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://scout-nuc:39709/
* /joint_limits/arm_1_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_1_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_1_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_1_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /joint_limits/arm_2_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_2_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_2_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_2_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /joint_limits/arm_3_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_3_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_3_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_3_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /joint_limits/arm_4_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_4_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_4_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_4_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /joint_limits/arm_5_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_5_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_5_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_5_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /joint_limits/arm_6_joint/has_acceleration_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_6_joint/has_velocity_limits: True
* /joint_limits/arm_6_joint/max_acceleration: 6.0
* /joint_limits/arm_6_joint/max_velocity: 1.25
* /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.21
* /schunk_canopen_node/autostart: True
* /schunk_canopen_node/can_device_name: auto
* /schunk_canopen_node/chain_arm: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
* /schunk_canopen_node/chain_names: ['arm']
* /schunk_canopen_node/frequency: 30
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_3: arm_1_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_4: arm_2_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_5: arm_3_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_6: arm_4_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_7: arm_5_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/node_mapping_8: arm_6_joint
* /schunk_canopen_node/ppm_profile_acceleration: 0.3
* /schunk_canopen_node/ppm_profile_velocity: 0.3
* /schunk_canopen_node/ppm_use_relative_targets: False
* /schunk_canopen_node/traj_controller_name: pos_based_pos_tra...
* /schunk_canopen_node/use_ros_control: False
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
schunk_canopen_node (schunk_canopen_driver/schunk_canopen_driver_node)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [7934]
setting /run_id to e2e53aba-7af0-11e9-8d98-f44d306ff777
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7948]
started core service [/rosout]
process[schunk_canopen_node-2]: started with pid [7965]
process[robot_state_publisher-3]: started with pid [7966]
<2019-05-20 13:17:43.918> CanOpen(Info)::init: Found pcanusb32
<2019-05-20 13:17:43.918> CanOpen(Info)::init: CAN Device was set to auto.
<2019-05-20 13:17:43.918> CanOpen(Info)::init: Trying CAN device: /dev/pcanusb32...
Can Init successful!
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.093> CAN(Info) tCanDevice(PEAK-CAN)::tCanDeviceT: Opened device /dev/pcanusb32 -> 145936936
[ INFO] [1558351065.093952739]: Can device identifier: auto
[ INFO] [1558351065.094064359]: Found 1 chains
[ INFO] [1558351065.097801346]: Found chain with name arm of type PowerBall containing 6 nodes.
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.097> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 3
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.098> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 4
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.099> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 5
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.099> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 6
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.100> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 7
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.101> CanOpen(Info)::addNode: Adding new DS402Node with id 8
<2019-05-20 13:17:45.118> CAN(Error)::CanDeviceReceive: CAN ERROR DETECTED: no error code given in an error message....check protocol
[ERROR] [1558351065.202540331]: Caught PDOException while initializing devices: Downloading PDO communication object failed! Timeout while waiting for response at index 0x1400, subindex 0x01. Additional information: No response to SDO download request received!
[ INFO] [1558351065.202789868]: Going to shut down now
[schunk_canopen_node-2] process has died [pid 7965, exit code 255, cmd /home/scout/catkin_ws/devel_isolated/schunk_canopen_driver/lib/schunk_canopen_driver/schunk_canopen_driver_node __name:=schunk_canopen_node __log:=/home/scout/.ros/log/e2e53aba-7af0-11e9-8d98-f44d306ff777/schunk_canopen_node-2.log].
log file: /home/scout/.ros/log/e2e53aba-7af0-11e9-8d98-f44d306ff777/schunk_canopen_node-2*.log
^C[robot_state_publisher-3] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
When I start up the the robot I receive this messages:
receivetest -f=/dev/pcanusb32
receivetest Version "Release_20150611_n" (
------- Copyright (C) 2004-2009 PEAK System-Technik GmbH ------
receivetest comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free
software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
conditions. For details see attached COPYING file.
receivetest: device node="/dev/pcanusb32"
Only standard frames are accepted, init with 500 kbit/sec.
receivetest: driver version = Release_20170110_n
3587345599.632 receivetest: m s 0x00000001 4 00 00 00 00
receivetest: pending CAN status 0x0020 read.
3587466340.295 receivetest: m s 0x00000703 1 00
3587466344.476 receivetest: m s 0x00000708 1 00
3587466346.97 receivetest: m s 0x00000706 1 00
3587466346.225 receivetest: m s 0x00000704 1 00
3587466352.753 receivetest: m s 0x00000705 1 00
3587466359.964 receivetest: m s 0x00000707 1 00
3587466363.335 receivetest: m s 0x0000070c 1 00
3587467518.961 receivetest: m s 0x00000083 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 c0 41
3587467524.380 receivetest: m s 0x00000088 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 00 00
3587467525.20 receivetest: m s 0x00000084 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 8a 42
3587467526.300 receivetest: m s 0x00000086 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 00 00
3587467531.420 receivetest: m s 0x00000085 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 30 42
3587467538.716 receivetest: m s 0x00000087 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 00 00
3587467545.287 receivetest: m s 0x0000008c 8 22 32 25 74 00 00 00 00
3587500008.994 receivetest: m s 0x00000583 8 60 00 14 01 00 00 00 00
Have anyone an idea? With the peak driver 7.15.2 I get the same errors.
Asked by Tomasche on 2019-05-20 10:29:06 UTC