RECALLED: This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the simple action server

asked 2019-05-17 00:49:01 -0500

kump gravatar image

I am running a service that is using moveit_commander for planning and executing a Cartesian trajectory with the panda robotic arm. It seems, that a few seconds after initialization of the moveit commander


it prints into terminal this warning

[ WARN] [1558019041.802065956, 2264.447000000] [file:/tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-tf2-ros-0.5.20/src/transform_listener.cpp] [node:/move_group_commander_wrappers_1558019039613424573] [TransformListener::subscription_callback_impl:106]: Detected jump back in time of 14420.9s. Clearing TF buffer.

and after that no trajejtory will be executed and I get this message:

[ INFO] [1558071733.092369278, 2271.972000000] [file:/tmp/binarydeb/ros-kinetic-moveit-ros-planning-interface-0.9.15/move_group_interface/src/move_group_interface.cpp] [node:/move_group_commander_wrappers_1558019039613424573] [planning_interface::MoveItErrorCode moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::MoveGroupInterfaceImpl::execute:930]: RECALLED: This goal was canceled because another goal was recieved by the simple action server

When I initialize the moveit_commander right before a request for executing the trajectory, it will be executed, but as soon as the warning message (shown above) is printed, the trajectory gets planned, but never executes and I get those info message (shown above) every time.

What is happening and how to fix this?

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