Difference between a planner and a planning library
This is a question about terminology regarding MoveIt!. I thought that the OMPL, STOMP and CHOMP are 'planning libraries' and RRT, PRM, SPARS etc. are 'planners'. But the MoveIt! website lists the OMLP, STOMP etc. in the 'Planners' tab. So now I'm confused. Which is which and what is the difference?
Asked by kump on 2019-05-14 03:28:41 UTC
Your intuition is partially correct: OMPL and SPBL are planning libraries, and STOMP, CHOMP, and specific sampling-based planners like RRT and PRM are planners. What you are seeing on the 'Planners' tab are actually the specific planning plugins available in MoveIt. Some of those planning plugins only implement a single planner, and others are entire libraries, so the simpler of the two terms (planners) was used, probably for readability and clarity.
Asked by BryceWilley on 2019-05-14 08:30:08 UTC